:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of access keys, app IDs, and lists of allowed event names
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of access keys, app IDs, and lists of allowed event names
Access key
App ID
List of allowed events for this particular app key
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the AccessKey data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the AccessKey data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of app IDs and names
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of app IDs and names
ID of the app.
Name of the app.
Long description of the app.
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the App data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the App data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Any storage backend drivers will need to implement this trait with exactly StorageClient as the class name.
:: DeveloperApi :: Any storage backend drivers will need to implement this trait with exactly StorageClient as the class name. PredictionIO storage layer will look for this class when it instantiates the actual backend for use by higher level storage access APIs.
Immutable Bi-directional Map
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of channel IDs, names and app ID
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores mapping of channel IDs, names and app ID
ID of the channel
Name of the channel (must be unique within the same app)
ID of the app which this channel belongs to
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the Channel data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the Channel data access object
A DataMap stores properties of the event or entity.
A DataMap stores properties of the event or entity. Internally it is a Map whose keys are property names and values are corresponding JSON values respectively. Use the String,clazz: Class[T]) method to retrieve the value of a mandatory property or use getOpt to retrieve the value of an optional property.
Exception class for DataMap
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores parameters, model, and other information for each engine instance
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores parameters, model, and other information for each engine instance
Engine instance ID.
Status of the engine instance.
Start time of the training/evaluation.
End time of the training/evaluation.
Engine ID of the instance.
Engine version of the instance.
Engine variant ID of the instance.
Engine factory class for the instance.
A batch label of the engine instance.
The environment in which the instance was created.
Custom Spark configuration of the instance.
Data source parameters of the instance.
Preparator parameters of the instance.
Algorithms parameters of the instance.
Serving parameters of the instance.
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for EngineInstance
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for EngineInstance
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the EngineInstance data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the EngineInstance data access object
:: Experimental ::
:: Experimental ::
:: Experimental ::
:: Experimental ::
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores meta information for each evaluation instance.
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores meta information for each evaluation instance.
Instance ID.
Status of this instance.
Start time of this instance.
End time of this instance.
Evaluation class name of this instance.
Engine parameters generator class name of this instance.
Batch label of this instance.
The environment in which this instance was created.
Results of the evaluator.
HTML results of the evaluator.
JSON results of the evaluator.
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for EvaluationInstance
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the EvaluationInstance data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of the EvaluationInstance data access object
Each event in the Event Store can be represented by fields in this case class.
Each event in the Event Store can be represented by fields in this case class.
Unique ID of this event.
Name of this event.
Type of the entity associated with this event.
ID of the entity associated with this event.
Type of the target entity associated with this event.
ID of the target entity associated with this event.
Properties associated with this event.
Time of the happening of this event.
Tags of this event.
PredictedResultId of this event.
Time of creation in the system of this event.
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of a data access object that directly returns Event without going through Spark's parallelization.
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of a data access object that directly returns Event without going through Spark's parallelization. Engine developers should use org.apache.predictionio.data.store.LEventStore instead of using this directly.
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores model for each engine instance
:: DeveloperApi :: Stores model for each engine instance
ID of the model, which should be the same as engine instance ID
Trained models of all algorithms
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for Model
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for Model
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait for of the Model data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait for of the Model data access object
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of a data access object that returns Event related RDD data structure.
:: DeveloperApi :: Base trait of a data access object that returns Event related RDD data structure. Engine developers should use org.apache.predictionio.data.store.PEventStore instead of using this directly.
A PropertyMap stores aggregated properties of the entity.
A PropertyMap stores aggregated properties of the entity. Internally it is a Map whose keys are property names and values are corresponding JSON values respectively. Use the get() method to retrieve the value of mandatory property or use getOpt() to retrieve the value of the optional property.
:: DeveloperApi :: A wrapper of storage client configuration that will be populated by PredictionIO automatically, and passed to the StorageClient during instantiation.
:: DeveloperApi :: A wrapper of storage client configuration that will be populated by PredictionIO automatically, and passed to the StorageClient during instantiation.
This is set to true by PredictionIO when the storage client is instantiated in a parallel data source.
This is set to true by PredictionIO when tests are being run.
This is populated by PredictionIO automatically from environmental configuration variables. If you have these variables,
:: DeveloperApi :: Thrown when a StorageClient runs into an exceptional condition
:: DeveloperApi :: Thrown when a StorageClient runs into an exceptional condition
:: DeveloperApi :: Thrown by data access objects when they run into exceptional conditions
:: DeveloperApi :: Thrown by data access objects when they run into exceptional conditions
:: DeveloperApi :: Companion object of Channel
:: DeveloperApi :: Companion object of Channel
Companion object of the DataMap class
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for Joda-Time
:: DeveloperApi :: JSON4S serializer for Joda-Time
:: Experimental ::
:: Experimental ::
:: DeveloperApi :: Support library for dealing with Event and JSON4S
:: DeveloperApi :: Support library for dealing with Event and JSON4S
:: DeveloperApi :: Utilities for validating Events
:: DeveloperApi :: Utilities for validating Events
:: DeveloperApi :: Provides aggregation support of Events to LEvents.
:: DeveloperApi :: Provides aggregation support of Events to LEvents. Engine developers should use org.apache.predictionio.data.store.LEventStore instead of using this directly.
Companion object of the PropertyMap class.
Backend-agnostic data storage layer with lazy initialization.
Backend-agnostic data storage layer with lazy initialization. Use this object when you need to interface with Event Store in your engine.
If you are an engine developer, please refer to the store package.
This package provides convenient access to underlying data access objects. The common entry point is Storage.
Developer APIs are available to advanced developers to add support of other data store backends.