Helper class to accept either a single data source, or a map of data sources, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Helper class to accept either a single data source, or a map of data sources, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Training data class
Evaluation information class
Input query class
Actual result class
Helper class to accept either a single preparator, or a map of preparators, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Helper class to accept either a single preparator, or a map of preparators, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Training data class
Prepared data class
Helper class to accept either a single serving, or a map of serving, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Helper class to accept either a single serving, or a map of serving, with a companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this class directly is not necessary.
Input query class
Predicted result class
Companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this directly is not necessary.
Companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this directly is not necessary.
Companion object providing implicit conversions, so using this directly is not necessary.
Convenient method for returning an instance of Engine.
Convenient method for returning an instance of Engine.
Training data class
Evaluation information class
Prepared data class
Input query class
Predicted result class
Actual result class
Accepts either an instance of Class of the data source, or a Map of data source classes (implicitly converted to DataSourceMap.
Accepts either an instance of Class of the preparator, or a Map of preparator classes (implicitly converted to PreparatorMap.
Accepts a Map of algorithm classes.
Accepts either an instance of Class of the serving, or a Map of serving classes (implicitly converted to ServingMap.
An instance of Engine
Provides concrete implementation of evaluation for Engine.
Provides concrete implementation of evaluation for Engine.
Training data class
Prepared data class
Input query class
Predicted result class
Actual result class
Evaluation information class
An instance of SparkContext
An instance of data source
An instance of preparator
A list of algorithm instances
An instance of serving
A list of evaluation information, RDD of query, predicted result, and actual result tuple tuple.
Provides concrete implementation of training for Engine.
Provides concrete implementation of training for Engine.
Training data class
Prepared data class
Input query class
An instance of SparkContext
An instance of data source
An instance of preparator
A list of algorithm instances
An instance of WorkflowParams that controls the training process.
A list of trained models
This object contains concrete implementation for some methods of the Engine class.