Batch label of the run.
Verbosity level.
Controls whether trained models are persisted.
Spark properties that will be set in SparkConf.setAll().
Skips all data sanity check.
Stops workflow after reading from data source.
Stops workflow after data preparation.
Batch label of the run.
Controls whether trained models are persisted.
Skips all data sanity check.
Spark properties that will be set in SparkConf.setAll().
Stops workflow after data preparation.
Stops workflow after reading from data source.
Verbosity level.
Workflow parameters.
Batch label of the run.
Verbosity level.
Controls whether trained models are persisted.
Spark properties that will be set in SparkConf.setAll().
Skips all data sanity check.
Stops workflow after reading from data source.
Stops workflow after data preparation.