This project has retired. For details please refer to its Attic page.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Apache PredictionIO. Our mission is to enable developers to build scalable machine learning applications easily. Here is how you can help with the project development. If you have any question regarding development at anytime, please free to subscribe and post to the Development Mailing List.

Areas in Need of Help

We accept contributions of all kinds at any time. We are compiling this list to show features that are highly sought after by the community.

  • Tests and CI
  • Engine template, tutorials, and samples
  • Client SDKs
  • Building engines in Java (updating the Java controller API)
  • Code clean up and refactoring
  • Code and data pipeline optimization
  • Developer experience (UX) improvement

How to Report an Issue

If you wish to report an issue you found, you can do so on Apache PredictionIO JIRA.

How to Help Resolve Existing Issues

In general, bug fixes should be done the same way as new features, but critical bug fixes will follow a different path.

How to Add / Propose a New Feature

Before adding new features into JIRA, please check that the feature does not currently exist in JIRA.

  1. To propose a new feature, simply subscribe and post your proposal to Apache PredictionIO Development Mailing List.
  2. Discuss with the community and the core development team on what needs to be done, and lay down concrete plans on deliverables.
  3. Once solid plans are made, start creating tickets in the issue tracker.
  4. Work side by side with other developers using Apache PredictionIO Development Mailing List as primary mode of communication. You never know if someone else has a better idea. ;)

Adding ticket to JIRA

  1. Add a descriptive Summary and a detailed description
  2. Set Issue Type to Bug, Improvement, New Feature, Test or Wish
  3. Set Priority to Blocker, Critical, Major, Minor or Trivial
  4. Fill out Affects Version with the version of PredictionIO you are currently using
  5. Fill out Environment if needed for description of your bug / feature
  6. Please leave other fields blank

Triaging JIRA

Tickets will be triaged by PredictionIO committers.

  • Target Version: Either a particular version or Future if to be done later

    • Once a fix has been committed, the Fix Version will filled in with the appropriate release
  • Component: Each ticket will be annotated with one or more of the following Components

    • Core: affects the main code branch / will be part of a release
    • Documentation: affects the documents / will be pushed to livedoc branch
    • Templates: affects one of the separate github repositories for a template

How to Issue a Pull Request

When you have finished your code, you can create a pull request against the develop branch.

  • The title must contain a tag associating with an existing JIRA ticket. You must create a ticket so that the infrastructure can correctly track issues across Apache JIRA and GitHub. If your ticket is PIO-789, your title must look something like [PIO-789] Some short description.
  • Please also, in your commit message summary, include the JIRA ticket number similar to above.
  • Make sure the title and description are clear and concise. For more details on writing a good commit message, check out this guide.
  • If the change is visual, make sure to include a screenshot or GIF.
  • Make sure it is being opened into the right branch.
  • Make sure it has been rebased on top of that branch.

When it is close to a release, and if there are major development ongoing, a release branch will be forked from the develop branch to stabilize the code for binary release. Please refer to the git flow methodology page for more information.

Getting Started

Apache PredictionIO relies heavily on the git flow methodology. Please make sure you read and understand it before you start your development. By default, cloning Apache PredictionIO will put you in the develop branch, which in most cases is where all the latest development go to.

For core development, please follow the Scala Style Guide.

Create a Fork of the Apache PredictionIO Repository

  1. Start by creating a GitHub account if you do not already have one.
  2. Go to Apache PredictionIO’s GitHub mirror and fork it to your own account.
  3. Clone your fork to your local machine.

If you need additional help, please refer to

Building Apache PredictionIO from Source

After the previous section, you should have a copy of Apache PredictionIO in your local machine ready to be built.

  1. Make sure you are on the develop branch. You can double check by git status or simply git checkout develop.
  2. At the root of the repository, do ./ to build PredictionIO.

Setting Up the Environment

Apache PredictionIO relies on 3rd party software to perform its tasks. To set them up, simply follow this documentation.

Start Hacking

You should have a Apache PredictionIO development environment by now. Happy hacking!

Anatomy of Apache PredictionIO Code Tree

The following describes each directory’s purpose.


Shell scripts and any relevant components to go into the binary distribution. Utility shell scripts can also be included here.


Configuration files that are used by both a source tree and binary distribution.


Core Apache PredictionIO code that provides the DASE controller API, core data structures, and workflow creation and management code.


Apache PredictionIO Event Server, and backend-agnostic storage layer for event store and metadata store.


Source code for site, and any other documentation support files.


Complete code examples showing Apache PredictionIO's application.


Embedded SBT (Simple Build Tool) launcher.


Storage implementations.


Tools for running Apache PredictionIO. Contains primarily the CLI (command-line interface) and its supporting code, and the experimental evaluation dashboard.